Laurel Round up!

So I’ve made SIX laurels over the past month. I didn’t intend to sew so many, but it’s just such a good pattern for playing around. There were some serious issues with fit the first time around, check it out. All kinds of weird tightness and drag lines, yet way to loose and gaping otherContinue reading “Laurel Round up!”

Easy Volume with Hair Powder & Giveaway

Product provided at no charge to my by a company looking to receive my feedback. All opinions are my own.  First, sorry for not opening my eyes for a single picture. Second, here are my thoughts on this product.  I’m a pretty big fan of voluminous hair. Having lived a good deal of my life in south, and being Italian  pretty much predestinedContinue reading “Easy Volume with Hair Powder & Giveaway”